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Is Your Teenager At Risk of Dying From Heart Failure? What Every Parent MUST Know to Prevent Sudden Death!

Magesium Article #2

March 15, 2022​


Is Your Teenager At Risk of Dying From Heart Failure? What Every Parent MUST Know to Prevent Sudden Death!

An athletic 20 year man is playing basketball and suddenly collapses on the court and dies.

On a hot July day, a young and vibrant college football player suddenly makes a great tackle and never gets up.. only to be pronounced dead 5 minutes later. High School track runner dies after finishing second in a race.

The sad truth is 1 out of 50,000 young adults will fall victim to Sudden Death.

Most sudden deaths have been linked to a thickened, enlarged heart called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), or by a condition that disturbs the rhythm of the heart called an arrhythmia.

When one sweats, a significant amount of magnesium is lost.

Magnesium is the most under-recognized electrolyte disorder in the U.S. Dr. Mildred Seelig, one of the country's leading authorities on magnesium suggests that 80%-90% of the population is deficient is magnesium.

It is beyond the extent of this article why the public is being denied the truth of the seriousness of magnesium deficiency and sudden death. The amount of medical research could fill a book, but it is unfortunately being ignored.

According to Micheal A. Brodsky M.D., associate professor of medicine at the University of Medicine and the director of the Cardiac Arrhythmia Service at the University of California, mineral imbalances interfere with the heart's normal nerve function.

While most athletes have been conditioned to drink a potassium rich drink after sweating, very few have been educated on the dangers of a magnesium deficiency. Dr. Brodsky states that arrhythmia therapy should focus on replenishing two key minerals: potassium and magnesium.

Almost all physicians have known for some time just how vital potassium is for normal heartbeat.

Magnesium is an entirely different story, however. According to Carla Sueta M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor of medicine and cardiology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine "apparently, many doctors still don't realize how important a role this mineral can play in some heart patients.

In fact, most never check the magnesium level. She has shown through her research that magnesium reduced the incidence of several types of ventricular arrhythmia by 53 to 76 percent.

Magnesium deficiency can be induced by the very drugs meant to help heart problems. Some types of diuretics (water pills) cause the body to excrete both magnesium and potassium, as does digitalis.

And magnesium deficiency is often at the bottom of what's called refractory potassium deficiency. The amount of magnesium in the body determines the amount of a particular enzyme that determines the amount of potassium in the body," he explains. So if you are magnesium-deficient, you may in turn be potassium-deficient, and no amount of potassium is going to correct this unless you are also getting enough magnesium.

The Best Test To Determine Your Level of Magnesium

Although most physicians rarely check this important mineral, the few that do usually rely on test called Serum Magnesium. Unfortunately, this test only measures approximately 1% of the magnesium in your body; a poor test at best. The "Gold Standard" and the most accurate test is the RBC Minerals or more commonly called Elemental Analysis in Packed Erythrocytes.

This test examines the levels of six minerals and five toxic heavy metals. The erythrocyte is the red blood cell that floats in our serum to carry oxygen to our cells.

The minerals this test analyzes from inside the red blood cell includes magnesium, calcium, copper, potassium, selenium, and zinc.

Common Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

The most common symptoms include back and neck pain, muscle spasms, anxiety, panic disorders, Raynaud's spastic vessels, arrhythmia, fatigue, eye twitches, vertigo, migraines.

Best Sources of Magnesium

The best way of insuring enough magnesium is to eat a variety of whole foods, including whole grains, nuts, seeds and vegetables, preferably food grown on naturally composted soil. The green color of green vegetables is due to chlorophyll, which is a molecule that contains magnesium. Avoid refined processed foods, especially white sugar and white flour products, as most magnesium is removed from them.

If you are suffering with a heart problem and have not had your magnesium checked, then I want to urge you to have your physician order the two tests listed above. Unless you have proof that your magnesium is within normal levels, I want you to realize that you are playing with your health!



Eisenberg MJ, Magnesium deficiency and sudden death (editorial), AM Heart J 1992 Aug; 124(2):544-9

Magnes Res 1994 Jun;7(2):145-53

Tzivoni, Dan, M.D. and Keren, Andre, M.D., "Suppression of Ventricular Arrhythmias by Magnesium", The American Journal of Cardiology, June 1, 1990;65:1397-1399.

Miner Electrolyte Metab 1993;19(4-5):323-36

Keller, Peter K. and Aronson, Ronald S., "The Role of Magnesium in Cardiac Arrhythmias", Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, May/June 1990;32(6):433-448.

Biochim Biophys Acta 1993 Oct 20;1182(3):329-32

Biochim Biophys Acta 1994 Jan 11;1225(2):158-64

Practical Briefings: Clinical News You Can Put Into Your Practice Now. Ventricular Arrhythmias and Magnesium", Patient Care, October 15, 1990;16-20

Magnes Res 1993 Jun;6(2):191-2

Hennekens (1987) Epidemiology Medicine, p.54-98

Schriftenr Ver Wasser Boden Lufthyg 1993;88:474-90

Am J Cardiol 1992 Oct 8;70(10):44C-49C

Fiziol Zh SSSR Im I M Sechenova 1992 Jul;78(7):71-7

Magnesium Blockers

While it is important to maintain a proper intake of magnesium through foods, it’s critical to understand the various ways that magnesium absorption is reduced or blocked in the body. The following are common factors in magnesium deficiency;

· PPI’s

· High fiber diets can block absorption

· Diabetes complications

· Some drugs like antifungals, antibiotics, chemo, statins, birth control pills, etc.

· Alcohol consumption (urinary loss)

· Vomiting chronically

· Fasting

· Excessive and chronic sweating

· Grains can bind magnesium

· Legumes (phytates) – Soaking and sprouting are fine

Magnesium Supplementation: My preference is for obtaining your magnesium from whole food sources but if one desires to supplement for any reason, I would consider;

· Occasional IV infusion of magnesium. This bypasses the most common blocking factors.

· Mixed Mg supplements continue multiple forms (other than oxide). 200-400mg per day via supplementation is a reasonable starting place.

· Threonate for cognitive needs:

· Mg Bicarbonate Water (see video above)

· Aspartate (Bioavailable at 10%)

· Mg Chloride:

· Mg Citrate for constipation:

· Mg Gluconate:

· Mg Taurate: Mg Salts + Taurine

· Mg Glycinate:

· Mg Malate:

· Transdermal Mg (Absorption issues?):

I do like adding B6 with the magnesium, as there are several symbiotic impacts as cofactors!

Testing Magnesium Status: Quest/LabCorb both offer these:

· Serum Mg

· RBC Mg

· 24 Hour Urine

Magnesium Deficiency

Several things can cause you to be deficient in magnesium:

· Low intake of magnesium-based foods

· Depleted soils

· Blocking factors like drugs, alkaline pH, phytates

· Mineral Balance regulator dysfunction

It’s important to note that magnesium toxicity is very rare, and magnesium is readily eliminated in fluids (diarrhea is likely). However, check kidney function if hypermagnesemia exists. If you or a patient are experiencing symptoms that you suspect may be related to a magnesium deficiency, a routine lab test for Mg levels may be indicated.

Thank you to Dr Grisanti at Functional Medicine University for his contribution!

Anthony Llabres BSc, MSc, FDN-P

About Anthony Llabres…

Anthony is a Certified Practitioner that works with clients from around the globe who want to make their health and wellness a primary focus.

You can read about Anthony @


Anthony Llabres

FDN of SW Florida LLc


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